2024 Procter and Gamble Internship (P&G) 

Procter and Gamble Internships are currently open for interested and qualified undergraduate and graduate students willing to work in a multinational organization.

The Procter & Gamble Internships are designed to provide students enrolled in educational institutions, at undergraduate and graduate levels, with opportunities to work in agencies and explore careers in a leading organization while getting paid.

Procter & Gamble is currently recruiting interested students who are passionate about working in one of the largest Dynamic consumer goods companies.


  • You don’t need to study a particular subject or have any previous experience to be considered for a P&G internship
  • Generally, you can apply if you have completed at least 3 semesters of your undergraduate program.
  • Graduated Students and those who are in a master’s degree program can also apply.
  • You must have Good english communication skills.
  • Creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Extra-curricular activities.
  • Good communication skills, assertiveness, and teamwork.

Duration and Reward

  • All interns receive competitive pay and have fun with other interns. 
  • P&G is named one of the world’s most attractive employers for students. Approximately 500 New Interns Join P&G annually.
  • The duration of the internship is from six weeks to 12 months and is available all over the world.

How To Apply?


Deadline: Not Specified

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