7 Tips to Winning a Fully Funded Scholarship

Fully funded Scholarships are Scholarships which cover all study-related expense within the period of study. These expenses include tuition fee, living cost and accommodation etc. some might even come with provision for dependents.

Winning a fully funded Scholarship means you don’t have to worry about funds or financial burdens. Takin a few advice from people who have benefited from such Scholarships before,here is a compiled list of things you need to do in order to win a fully funded scholarship first hand.

  1. Lookup Scholarships in the Right Places: To win a scholarship, One must first find the scholarship and apply for it. Looking for scholarship in the right place is the very tep to take.
  2. Prepare Early in Advance: Since fully funded Scholarship come with so much competition, it is expected that one should prepare themselves for such competitions. First you must prepare for things like interviews, essay competition. Most Universities conduct special “scholarship weekend” in which some students will be invited to campus where he or she will be interviewed by faculty members and ask questions about their goals and ambitions.
  3. Hard Work and Motivation: Fully funded scholarship are mostly awarded to high performing students. So to easily win a scholarship, one must study hard to be ontop of their across discipline.
  4. Stand out from the Crowd: To beat the competition for fully funded scholarship, it is best for one to invest in self development endeavors such as volunteering your time to learn extra curricular activities and leadership skills. Another way of standing out is personal individual qualities via letters of recommendation, excellent academic report.
  5. Stick to Application Requirement: Most Applicants who didn’t win the scholarship they applied for is because they failed to stick to the instructions. First and foremost, applicants need to read in between the line, understand every step outlined and follow same to submit your application.
  6. Get a Second Opinion: Get others to review your Cover letters and Scholarship essay. Your Scholarship essay and Cover letter need to be absolutely in the best of quality by making it clear and concise. Make sure is correctly formatted with the right words and heading and also a great introduction with a flawless grammar, proofread your work make sure it is perfect.
  7. Be real: The best thing to do for yourself is try as much as possible to present yourself in as your real self. Avoid mixing up things, let your cover letter tally with your academic performance. It might be worrisome that you present leadership qualities in your documents but lack composure at interviews.

Source: Studygreen


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