Call For Applications: Milestone Makers Program for Entrepreneurs – Fall 2024

Milestone Makers is not just a program; it’s a game-changer for entrepreneurs. Launched in 2016 by the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, it’s a prestigious, fully customized platform offering a 3-month part-time journey where select entrepreneurs receive invaluable support, coaching, and resources at absolutely no cost. The program’s essence lies in helping these entrepreneurs set, hit, and celebrate milestones crucial for their company’s growth.

At the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, they are committed to investing in individuals taking big risks to solve problems in new ways. That’s why they created Milestone Makers, a way to help mid-stage entrepreneurs set, hit, and celebrate milestones critical to company growth. Through their expertise and prestigious business network, Nasdaq will work with a small cohort of entrepreneurs one-on-one to define a critical business goal and accelerate their path to achieving it. Participants will be individually matched with mentors who are leaders in your industry, will offer instant feedback, and will take a personal interest in helping them grow.

Thematic Cohorts

Since 2020 the Center’s Milestone Makers cohorts have been focusing on supporting early-to-mid-stage founders working on specific UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program remains virtual and aims to help founders across the globe solve some of the world’s biggest problems. The Center will work with these entrepreneurs to define critical business goals and help accelerate their path to achieving them.

The Fall 2024 Milestone Makers program supports entrepreneurs focused on:

  • Cohort 1:
    • Affordable and Clean Energy (#7)
    • Climate Action (#13)
  • Cohort 2:
    • No Poverty (#1)
    • Gender Equality (#5)
    • Decent Work and Economic Growth (#8)


The program begins with access to the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center’s prestigious network, partners, and community, including professional resources offered by leading industry experts. This includes:

  • Milestone-setting strategy and practice for this quarter and next;
  • Coach (1:1 professional coaching specially matched for you);
  • Business mentors and peer support curated to your needs, aspirations, and definitions of success;
  • Development of key marketing assets and opportunities including a your photo & logo on the Nasdaq tower in Times Square, New York City, upon graduation. Plus, media coverage and distribution through the Nasdaq Center and Nasdaq media.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to early-to-mid-stage entrepreneurs looking to set and hit a critical business milestone in the next quarter.
  • You’re committed to accomplishing this goal because it will have an important, positive effect on your company’s development.

Application Process

Deadline for applications for the Fall 2024 program is Monday, July 29, 2024 at 11:59pm PT. Upon receipt of your interest form, you will receive the Application for the Fall 2024 program. If your business is better suited for future cohorts, you’ll be notified when those cohorts are announced.

Deadline: July 29, 2024

Click HERE to Apply

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