Call for Appliations: “KAS PDWA Summer School, 2024 Edition”


With this scholarship program, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), through the Regional Program for Political Dialogue in West Africa (PDWA), supports students of high academic caliber with exemplary social or political commitment and prepares them for future responsibilities in the political or economic field, in research or the media, etc. The scholarship covers tuition fees. Other financial support may also be available.

However, the KAS PDWA Scholarship is not only about financial support. It also includes a multidisciplinary training program (seminars, conferences, workshops) that will enable the scholarship holders to deepen their knowledge in all major areas of public governance in a democratic state, to organize activities themselves and to acquire new skills. This extracurricular program is based on the regular, active, and committed participation of the Fellows.


General admission requirements:

  • Hold at least a bachelor’s degree in political science, economics, law, social sciences, journalism or another relevant field of study of your choice from one of the following countries in the subregion Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Togo, Liberia and Sierra Leone;
  • Scholarships are available to students at both public and private universities. Please note that tuition fees are dependent on the availability of KAS PDWA funds;
  • Have above average academic achievement;
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities;
  • Demonstrate a strong political interest and personal commitment to political, social or other issues as evidenced by active participation in political parties or associations, high school or academic institutions, religious or social organizations;
  • Adhere to the ideals promoted by KAS.

Exclusion criteria:

  • Incomplete applications or applications submitted after 24 March 2024 will not be considered;
  • This scholarship does not support undergraduate or postgraduate study (bachelor or doctoral degrees);
  • The age limit is 30 years;
  • Applications for study outside the countries covered by the PDWA will not be accepted;
  • Applicants who have been rejected twice in this process are not eligible to reapply.

Application procedure and required documents:

Apply via the link below:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The online application form (Google Form) above must be duly completed and accompanied by a single PDF attachment containing the following documents

  • A comprehensive and complete Curriculum Vitae;
  • A copy of your most recent diploma or transcript, including your bachelor’s degree;
  • Proof of social or political involvement (this can be a letter of recommendation);
  • A motivation letter addressed to the KAS Resident Representative.

Originals and additional documents, especially certified copies of diplomas, will be required as needed.

Applications sent by any means other than the above-mentioned Google Form will not be considered.

Please note that only complete applications submitted by March 24, 2024 will be considered.

An initial selection will be made solely based on the quality of the applications and the competence of the candidates. There is no national quota.

Only successful candidates will be contacted by KAS PDWA to continue the selection process for the class of 2024 scholarship holders of our PDWA scholarship program.

The selection process may take several months.


March 12th, 2024.

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