Erasmus Mundus EMLex Scholarship for International Students

The Erasmus Mundus EMLex offers an excellent international study programm which is globally unique and highly attractive due to various activities. Over the course of the two-year programme, students will study at various consortium universities; in the second semester, they will all study together at one of the EMLex universities and the lecturers will travel to the university for the modules. This summer semester is organised on an annual rotation basis. The 2025 summer semester is planned to take place at Ilia State University (Georgia). In the 3rd semester, a stay abroad at another university from the Erasmus Mundus EMLex Consortium is possible upon application. Students study at their home university in the 1st and 4th semesters. Applicants can submit a list of priorities when choosing a university; the admissions committee will distribute the places equally among the various EMLex consortium universities.

The Erasmus Mundus programme is fee-based, i.e. students have to pay participation costs to the EMLex consortium for each semester, but Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available (see section 3). In return, the consortium pays for costs arising in the course of the studies, for example tuition and administration fees, health insurance, library fees, etc. All students have to sign a Student Agreement before the beginning of their studies.

There are 19 scholarships available for the 2024/2025 intake. Intake 2024/2025 begins in September or October 2024, depending on the home university.

Approximately 80% of the scholarships are awarded to students from partner countries and students from countries not associated with the programme; around 20% are awarded to students from programme countries.

  • Partner Countries: non-EU countries with the exception of Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland
  • Programme Countries: 28 EU member states + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Liechtenstein and Iceland.
  • Countries not associated with the programme are:
    • IPA countries are Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro
    • NDCI countries are countries from Asia and the Pacific, America and the Caribbean, EU neighbourhood regions (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia) and countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

If you come from a partner country and have carried out your main activities (studies, work, training) in any programme country for at least 12 months in total during the previous five years, you are considered as an applicant from a programme country.

The scholarship includes

  • The scholarship: Scholarship holders receive a scholarship totalling 1400 euros/month for the entire duration of the study programme (maximum 24 months), which is used to cover travel expenses, visa and residence permit applications, and the installation and living costs.
  • The scholarship also includes participation costs for the EMJMD-EMLex. These participation costs cover all additional costs which occur during your studies. They particularly include tuition fees, health insurance, library costs, administrative costs, cultural events.

Please note: If you are studying at a consortium university in your home country (e.g. as a Hungarian at the KRE in Budapest), you will not receive any monthly living expenses for the duration of your stay there. This applies to all countries of the consortium universities: Germany, France, Georgia, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Hungary.

4. Erasmus Mundus: prerequesits and application

Application period

The application period for an EMJMD scholarship in the 2024/25 intake will be open up until and including 1 March 2024.

Prerequisites and admission

These conditions apply to both Erasmus Mundus students with and without a scholarship (self-financing basis).


Applicants must have a Higher Educational Institution (HEI) degree in the area of

  • (Computational/Applied) Linguistics
  • (Foreign) Languages
  • Translation
  • Communication/Media
  • Book Studies / Library and Information Science
  • or other relevant disciplines, subject to the consent of and the approval by the Consortium’s admission committee.

If your HEI degree is still in progress, you may nevertheless submit an application. The restriction in this case will be that the HEI degree certificate is available before the start of the EMLex study course.

Language requirements

Competences in textual reception that enable the students to understand texts in their field of studies and to take an active part in specialist discussions are absolutely necessary for a successful participation in the EMJMD-EMLex master programme. Instruction languages are English and German as lectures will always be held in one of these languages. Evidence of the required knowledge must be provided in the form of language certificates.

Please note:

You must have sufficient text reception skills in both languages. You must have very good text production skills in one of the two languages (at least B2).

You must provide proof of these competence levels for both languages. The language certificates must not be older than two years.

The following certificates are valid as proof of the necessary language skills:

Proficiency in German (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of the following institutions for at least the given level (equivalent to B1

  • onSet-Deutsch (former “OnDaF”). This test can be taken at a licensed test centre in your country.
  • Goethe-Institut: Zertifikat B1, grade at least ‘gut’
  • Österreich-Institut: ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, grade at least ‘gut’
  • TestDaF
  • Germanistik Bachelor degree (or comparable degree) from one of the universities of the EMLex programme

Proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of the following institutions for at least the given level (equivalent to B1

  • onSet-Englisch. This test can be taken at a licensed test center in your country.
  • British Council (IELTS): 4.5 – 5
  • Trinity (ISE Foundation): ISE I
  • TOEFL iBT: at least 42
  • Cambridge: Preliminary Certificate
  • English studies / Anglistik Bachelor degree (or comparable degree) from one of the universities in the EMLex programme

Selection criteria

All applications are first subjected to a formal incoming inspection, which checks the following eligibility criteria:

  1. having met the application deadline
  2. completeness of the application
  3. proof of the necessary language proficiency
  4. completion of a first HEI degree (see “degree” section above)

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria mentioned under section 4.1. and 4.2. are then assessed against the following selection criteria:

  • Grade and quality of HEI degree(s)
  • Motivation letter
  • Competence in linguistic analysis
  • Lexicographic/terminographic knowledge and experience
  • Language proficiency

Deadline and procedure

Application period

The application period for an EMJMD scholarship in the 2024/25 intake will be open up until and including 1 March 2024.

Please Note: If you are selected for a scholarship, placed on the reserve list or enrolled as a self-funded student, your data may be used for purposes of evaluating the Erasmus Mundus Programmes by funding agencies.

Application procedure

  1. Fill out the application form on the computer and sign it by hand.
  2. Send the application form together with the following documents to
  3. Pay attention to the following requirements:
  • All documents must be submitted in one single PDF file.
  • The files must not exceed 10 MB in total (if the document is larger, you may have to compress it).
  • The name of the file should correspond to the following pattern: EMLex application + your name 
  • The documents have to be in the following order:

(1) Application form

(2) Motivation letter (2 pages max., in English or German). The letter should include the following aspects:

(a) Explain the reasons why you wish to study the EMLex Master Programme, express your expectations and your own contribution. In addition, you should state what you plan to do with the EMLex master degree.

(b) Report on your experiences with scientific or practical lexicography that you have already made and why you have an interest in lexicography.

(c) Explain your choice of the preferred home university (while your preferences* will be taken into account as far as possible, the final decision will be made so as to best fit your study needs).

(d) Answer the following question: Which lexicographic project would you like to realize in your home country if you had the chance to do so?

(3) Certificate of HEI degree(s)

(4) Transcript of academic records

(5) Language certificates 

(6) Copy of your identity document


  • PDF files which do not have the requested order (1)-(6), the requested name, are incomplete or too big will not be considered!
  • If your original documents are in a language other than English or German, please also submit certified translations. Please note that we cannot return any documents that you send us.
  • The 2024/25 intake cannot be started in Georgia, as the joint EMLex summer semester 2025 will take place at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia.


If you are selected for a scholarship, you will have to accept the offer within ten days after the approval notification. If you do not meet the deadline, you are no longer entitled to receive the EMJMD-EMLex scholarship. After accepting the scholarship you can enroll in the university which you have been assigned as your home university. We will try to assign the university of your first choice to you.


The University of Santiago de Compostela organises the application procedure. However, the USC is a home university in the same sense as the consortium partners in Braga, Budapest, Hildesheim, Tbilisi, Nancy, Rome and Erlangen.

Appeal procedure

If you have not been selected for a scholarship and believe that your application has not gone through the selection process correctly, you can initiate an appeal procedure.

Before submitting an appeal, please check carefully whether

  • you observed the application deadline;
  • you followed the application procedure;
  • you submitted the documents required for a complete application.

If the above conditions are met, and you have reasons to believe that a mistake has been made during the selection procedure you may submit an appeal. An appeal request must be made in writing and meet the following requirements:

  • It must be sent as a letter to the EMLex Coordinator (Prof. Dr. Domínguez Vázquez).
  • You must clearly state the reasons for the appeal.
  • The appeal must be sent within 7 working days after receiving the notification of non-selection.
  • The appeal must be sent by e-mail to
  • The subject line of the appeal request e-mail must contain the text “EMLex non-selection appeal” and the last name of the candidate.

You will be contacted as soon as a decision has been made.

Note: A candidate may appeal ONLY on the grounds of defective or unfair procedure. The appeal procedure is concerned with how the application was handled in the evaluation and eligibility-checking process. It does not automatically lead to a re-evaluation of the application. Please note that new information or clarifications that should have been in the application will not be taken into consideration.

The application period for applications for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Intake 2024/25 is open up until and including 1 March 2024.

Application form: the EMJM-EMLex application form for 2024/2025 can be found here.

A sample of the student agreement for the study period 2024-25 can be found here.

Information on data protection and the EACEA privacy statement can be found here.

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