How to Access up to N2 million Education Loan(EduLOAN) on PressPayNg

PressPayNg, in Partnership with FCMB (First City Monument Bank) and Mastercard Foundation is offering a cutting-edge Educational Financing Solution designed to ease and foster prompt payment of school fees by Parents, Guardians and Students in Nigeria. This is a quick, convenient and easy to access education loan with low charges. Applicants are to meet a set of basic requirements.

What This EduLOAN IS NOT

  • It is not a business loan
  • It is not a personal loans
  • It is not disbursed to a personal account

Eligibility Criteria for EduLoan

  • Fully onboard the PressPayNg App, get verified and open an account
  • No default on any previous loan cycle
  • Savings ratio: Minimum of 40% of school fees
  • Must have a viable sources of income
  • Guarantor valid ID card
  • 6 months active Statement of Account
  • Academic role model with valid ID card(s) and school ID card(s) for students
  • The school fees deadline must be at least 7 working days from your loan application date

Terms for EduLoan

  • Minimum Loan Amount of N2000.00 and Maximum Loan Amount of N2,000,000.00
  • Loan Tenor of 4 Months
  • Very Low Charges

Application and Disbursement Channel: The PressPayNg App

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