Student Loans: NELFUNDS Set to Disburse Education Loans to 3,283 Students in UI

The management of the University of Ibadan has confirmed that the Nigerian Education Loan Fund(NELFUND) has approved loan applications for 3,283 students at the institution.

In an internal memo issued on Wednesday, the management noted that while the loans had been approved, the funds had yet to be received.

The memo, signed by the institution’s Registrar, G. O. Salisu, instructed the heads of departments to permit students whose loans had been approved to sit for the first-semester examinations.

The meme reads, “Further to our circular number REG/13/I.26 of 13 September 2024, I write to inform the University of Ibadan community that the Nigerian Education Loan Fund has provided a list of 3,283 students whose loan applications have been approved.

“Although the funds have not yet been received by the university, the list of the affected students has been sent to the departments. All Heads of Departments have been instructed to allow these students to sit for the 2023/2024 first-semester examinations.

“This is for information and strict compliance by staff and students.”

Source: Punch

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