The James Dyson Award 2024 for Designers worldwide

The James Dyson Award is your chance to make a name for yourself as an inventor. As well as winning a significant cash prize, you could generate media exposure to kick-start your career, earn the esteem of your peers – and perhaps gain the confidence to launch your own business.

THE BRIEFDESIGN SOMETHING THAT SOLVES A PROBLEMThe brief is broad. We’re looking for designers who think differently, to create products that work better.Engineers follow an iterative design process. The judges – and James Dyson especially – are drawn to designs that employ clever yet simple engineering principles and address clear problems.As well as proving your project’s technical viability, we’d also love to see that it’s commercially viable, too – so include any research you’ve done into manufacturing costs and retail prices.James Dyson will also look for entries that address a sustainability issue, or have been designed, sourced or manufactured sustainably.


  • National winner: $8,500
  • International runners up: $8,500
  • Sustainability winner: $51,000
  • International winner: $51,000


  • MAR 06: Entries open
  • JUL17: Entries close
  • SEP 11: National winners and finalists announced
  • OCT 16: Dyson engineers’ shortlist
  • NOV 13: International winner and sustainability winner announced

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the James Dyson Award

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