10 Most Effective Ways to Write Letter of Recommendation for Scholarships (Tested and Trusted)


A scholarship letter of recommendation is a letter created by someone typically in a position of authority, like a professor, that can attest to a student’s abilities. The letters follow flexible guidelines demonstrating why students deserve the scholarship they wish to receive.

Writing a strong recommendation letter for a scholarship applicant is crucial to showcasing their academic excellence, personal qualities, and potentials. A recommendation letter is not only a reflection of the student’s academic achievements but also a testament to their character, resilience, and dedication.

It offers invaluable insights into their abilities and highlights the impact they can make within their chosen field of study.A positive letter of recommendation will be able to validate a student’s qualifications to receive a scholarship and help that student stand out.

Before you begin writing your recommendation letter, ensure you consider the following:

Review the scholarship requirements:

Before you start writing, make sure you understand the scholarship’s eligibility requirements and selection criteria. This will help you tailor your letter to highlight the applicant’s most relevant qualities and achievements.

Gather Information about the Applicants:

Collect relevant information about the student. Talk to the applicant to learn about their academic background, extracurricular activities, and any challenges they have overcome. You can also review their resume, transcript, or other relevant documents.

Prepare an outline for your letter:

This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you include all the necessary information.

Things You Must Include In Your Recommendation Letter:


The upper left corner of the recommendation letter should include the following information as a standard practice for recommenders;

  • Date
  • Full name
  • Title
  • Institution name
  • Official address
  • City, state, and zip code
  • Preferred contact information


The introduction should include a brief overview of the student, specify the scholarship they are applying for, and provide details about the student’s background and the nature of your relationship with them.


The body of the scholarship letter of recommendation should explain the student’s strong points and how they meet the scholarship’s requirements. Including numbers, like test scores and grades, will make the student’s application more impressive. A student’s accomplishments show that they are hardworking and determined.

Once you’ve established that the student is a fitting candidate for the scholarship, delve into specific examples that substantiate your claims. Mention any extracurricular activities the student participates in and whether they hold leadership positions in school clubs or organizations.


In the concluding paragraph, it is essential to include a strong approval of the student, emphasizing your confidence in their abilities and restating your wholehearted recommendation.

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