2023 Peter Drucker Essay Contest for Students & Young Entrepreneurs
The Drucker Challenge is an international essay competition held annually by the Drucker Society Europe, in conjunction with the Drucker Forum. The Challenge explores a current topic in management – typically related to the theme of the Forum – in the context of Peter Drucker’s human-oriented management philosophy.

Application Deadline: May 31, 2023
Type: Essay/Contest
Eligible Countries: International
Value of Award: The prizes are as follows:
- First Place (Gold): € 2,000
- Second Place (Silver) € 1,200
- Third Place (Bronze) € 1,000
Winner: A cash prize of 2.000 EUR
- Complimentary in-person pass for the 15th Global Peter Drucker Forum, to be held in Vienna, Austria on November 30 & December 1, 2023
- Invitation to attend the Gala event with Awards ceremony and to participate in a cultural program
- Opportunity to win the Special Recognition Award for the most original essay
- Certificate with ranking
- Invitation to join the Drucker Challenge Alumni Community on social media networks
- One-year-all-access subscription to the Harvard Business Review
- Publication: Ranking list, link to your essay, your photo and bio on www.druckerchallenge.org. Your essay may be re-published by your university/company with credits given to Peter Drucker Society Europe
- Funding of travel expenses: Your international travel and accommodation costs for attending the Forum will be reimbursed based on our travel process & policy.
To apply, visit https://myschoolscholarships.org/peter-drucker-essay-contest-for-students-young-entrepreneurs/26929/