How to Unlock the Power of Your Mindset. Use these techniques to improve your business

Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is an exciting and challenging endeavor that offers a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

As entrepreneurs navigate the complex landscape of building and scaling their businesses, they are often confronted with valuable lessons that can ultimately shape their mindset and propel them toward greatness. 

I spoke with Lewis Howes, a New York Times bestselling author of The Greatness Mindset and creator of, who is no stranger to the transformative power of a strong mindset. 

We discussed the process of learning and self-discovery that entrepreneurs can uncover the keys to success and unlock their full potential. Here are some lessons I’ve learned from my conversation with him that you can apply to yourself.

Ask Courageous Questions

One of the essential steps to unlocking the power of your mindset is to ask courageous questions. Howes emphasizes the importance of self-inquiry, saying, “We must be willing to ask ourselves the hard questions that challenge our beliefs and push us outside of our comfort zones.” 

By asking courageous questions, you uncover hidden beliefs and biases that may be holding you back from achieving greatness.

Lesson for Entrepreneurs: Continuously question your business model, strategies, and assumptions to identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Embrace an inquisitive mindset to stay agile and adaptive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Give Yourself Permission

Another crucial aspect of unlocking the power of your mindset is to give yourself permission to pursue your dreams. 

Howes explains, “Too often, we hold ourselves back by waiting for permission from others or by seeking validation. To achieve greatness, you must give yourself permission to take risks, make mistakes, and pursue your passions.” 

By giving yourself permission, you remove self-imposed limitations and allow yourself to fully explore your potential.

Lesson for Entrepreneurs: As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss. Give yourself permission to innovate, experiment, and push boundaries in your business. Remember that failures and setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow, so don’t be afraid to take calculated risks.

Enlist Support

Achieving greatness often requires enlisting support from others. 

Howes stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, saying, “To achieve greatness, you need a support system that includes people who believe in your vision, offer guidance, and hold you accountable.” 

By enlisting support, you create a network that empowers you to overcome obstacles and maintain momentum.

Lesson for Entrepreneurs: Build a strong support network of advisors, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs who can provide valuable insights, feedback, and encouragement. Leverage this network to make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and stay motivated in your entrepreneurial journey.

Develop a Clear Vision for Your Life

A clear vision helps guide your actions and decisions, providing a sense of direction and purpose. 

Howes recommends creating a vision statement for your life, explaining, “When you have a clear vision for your life, it becomes easier to make decisions and take action toward achieving that vision.” A compelling vision will inspire you to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.

Lesson for Entrepreneurs: Create a clear vision for your business, outlining your mission, values, and long-term objectives. This vision will serve as a guiding force, helping you make strategic decisions and maintain focus on what truly matters.

Unlocking the power of your mindset is essential to achieving greatness in all aspects of life, including entrepreneurship. Embrace these strategies and take action, remembering that true greatness is not a destination but an ongoing journey of self-discovery, growth, and unwavering determination. 

As an entrepreneur, implementing these lessons will not only enhance your personal growth but also contribute to the growth and success of your business.


Cc: Sean Kim

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