2024 Global Citizen Fellowship Program For Young Leaders


Global Citizen Fellowship Program will take Fellows through a multi-phase curriculum, specifically designed to equip them with the skills and tools they need to thrive – not just during their time with Global Citizen but also in any future professional environment.

Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030.

On our platform, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards for their actions — as part of a global community committed to lasting change.


  • Ages 18-21 (by time of application)
  • Limited travel experience
  • Family household income of under R120 000
  • Those who come from previously disadvantaged backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Must be able to reside in Johannesburg full time
  • Must be available five days a week
  • Physical attendance is compulsory.

Duration and Reward

Global Citizen will support the scholars in professional and personal development through a deeper understanding of complex social issues and prepare the Fellows to become advocates of social change.

Fellows will be expected to engage  in group and individual activities that focus on professional development, personal growth, advocacy, cultural exposure, social justice and equity. This will include group discussions and working to apply skills in local communities.

After completion, fellows will receive letters of recommendation, guidance on future endeavors and stay connected with other Fellow alumni.

Method of Application

Email fellowship@globalcitizen.org with the following:

1. A 2-3 minute video or 500-700 word essayanswering the following questions

  • What qualities do you identify with as an active citizen of the world? 
  • If selected, what lasting change would you like to achieve through the program?
  • What specific socio-economic issues are you taking action on and why? 

2.  Letter of Recommendation from a teacher/professor, school administrator, community leader, or colleague


Deadline: September 29, 2023

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