2024 IWMF Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship for Female Journalists – USA
The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) is accepting applications for the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship, for affiliated or freelance women journalists with at least three years of professional experience in journalism working in print, broadcast, or digital media.

The Fellow will complete research and coursework at MIT’s Center for International Studies and journalism internships at The Boston Globe and The New York Times. The program will provide the fellow with opportunities to pursue academic research and hone her reporting skills.
Application Deadline: 23rd April 2023
Eligible Countries: All
Type: Fellowship
To be taken at (country): USA
Award value:
- A fixed monthly stipend will be provided to cover housing, meals, and ground transportation during the fellowship.
- Round-trip economy airfare will be purchased from the fellow’s place of residence to Washington, D.C., and from Washington, D.C., to the fellowship city.
- The fellow will receive health insurance during the program.
- For fellows residing outside of the United States, the fellowship also covers the costs of applying for and obtaining a U.S. visa.
- The fellow will be fully responsible for any additional incidental expenses and other costs.
Number of Awards: Not specified
For application processes and procedures, visit https://myschoolscholarships.org/iwmf-elizabeth-neuffer-fellowship-for-female-journalists/26305/