Call for Applications: Hubiquitous TecHub Catalyst Program (€10,000)


Hubiquitous is an EU-Africa project aiming at creating a sustainable and impactful ecosystem of technology hubs in Africa, focusing on IoT (Internet of Things) and related technologies. The Techub Catalyst Program intends to bring at least 10 African Tech Hubs to a higher level in IoT and emerging technologies.

The TecHub Catalyst Program which will run from February 2024 to June 2024 to empower the hubs for technological innovation, skill development, and entrepreneurial growth within their local ecosystems. The program will focus on increasing the hubs’ IoT capabilities as well as boosting the development of sustainable value-added services.

The Hub Catalyst Program will empower the hubs for technological innovation, skill development, and entrepreneurial growth within their local ecosystems.

They will provide intensive IoT training to the hub personnel (“Train the trainers”). This includes both virtual and in-person training on cutting-edge technologies. The in-person training will take place in Tanzania for one week.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for the program, TecHubs should:

-Have a physical address in an African country or be affiliated with a TecHub or entity based in any African country.
-Be legally registered with a valid certificate of registration within the respective African country.

It is important for hubs to carefully review the specific eligibility criteria outlined in the call for applications. Hubs that fail to fulfill any of the criteria will automatically be disqualified.


The hubs joining the program will get the following benefits:

-Improve the hub capacity on IoT technologies through intensive “train the trainers”.
-Receive a complete IoT hardware and software “Solution Box” to enable the creation of an IoT Lab.
-Design new tech services which could be a possible additional revenue stream.
-Participate in the HUBiquitous Innovation Week in Europe to showcase the hubs’ achievements.
-Additionally, to help the hubs bootstrap their new services, a contribution of max 10,000€ will be awarded. This contribution can be used for travelling expenses reimbursement, event organisation (e.g. hackathon) and MVP costs.

What do they expect from you?
With the support, the hubs will need to deliver the following over 5 months:

-Nominate two experts at the Hubs as Trainers
-Deploy the IoT Lab at your premises using the Solution Boxes for both training and developing MVPs
-Participate in the train the trainers sessions, including the in-person Workshop in Tanzania
-Run a short IoT certification course
-Accelerate two innovative MVPs based on the Solution Box
-Co-create new revenue streams based on innovative services
-Participate in the Hubiquitous Innovation Week in Europe
-Prepare a report of your activities

How to apply
Click HERE to apply for the TecHub Catalyst program.

Application closes on  Monday, January 15, 2024.

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