History of Osun State College of Education
In 1976, when Oyo state was created out of the former western state of Nigeria, there was no single college of education in the state. Erstwhile Oluyole College of Education, Ibadan, had been merged with Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo in 1967 during the first military era.

Yet the need for such institute for the production of the professional, well trained middle- level teachers was more apparent. By 1977, Oyo State had about two hundred and fifty secondary schools and eighteen teacher trainin colleges the state was second only to Imo state in the number of students. Following the universal primary schools, which necessitated not only subsequently the training of secondary school teachers’ but college tutors.
In order to meet these educational challenges, and the future needs of the state in terms of professional teachers, the Oyo state government under the governorship of Brigadier (Later Major-General) David M. Jembewon promulgated a law “to provide for the establishment, incorporation, constitution and functions of the Oyo state College of education and for other matters incidental thereto or connected therewith’ the law is cited as the Oyo state college of education law. The law (edict) was signed on the 1st December, 1977. The law established in ilesa in Oyo state an institution to be known as the Oyo state college of education…” Ilesa is a town about 120 kilometres northeast of Ibadan with a population of about 150,000. Ilesa is famous for her ancient military prowess, and modern commercial enterprise as well as insatiable milestone was reached in Oyo state of Nigeria with the establishment of this college.
The general function of the college is to provide studies in education and for the purpose of carrying out that function; it is the duty of the college, so far as its resources permit, to provide facilities for courses of instruction leading to the award of bachelor’s degree and Nigeria certificate of Education. The subjects are determined from time to time by the academic board. The college was initially affiliated to the University of Ibadan until October, 1985. When it changed to the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The University of Affiliation has been responsible for the academic moderation and quality control of the college.
The task of ground work for starting the college was born by the state ministry of education. The ministry recruited the pioneer staff, including the principal (now provost), the secretary, (now Registrar), and a few academic member of staff. The first provost was Dr. S. F. Daramola while the first Registrar was D. F. Oroniran. The college took off on 28th march 1978, when teaching began with an initial intake of 143 students in six subject combination under the tutorship of four senior staff. The college started with four academic departments, namely Department of Education, Department of Art, Department of Sciences and Department of Agriculture. Later in October 1980 there was re-organisation of the academic department. The former departments were re-designed as schools as it was increased in number. The schools were School of Education, School of Art, School of Sciences, School of Agriculture and Home Economic, School of Social Science. The school of technical educational was later added to the list 1984/84 session. Within each school there were departments. This structure survived up to October 1992 when the schools were again restructured. The college started in the premises of the Government Teacher Training College (GTTC) Ilesa, where she shared the available facilities with the staff and students of the host institution. The department of agriculture later took off at the farm institute, Akure road Ilesa.
Owing to the rise in student population in 1979/80 session, which was necessary in other to provide for more teachers that would be needed in Oyo state secondary schools as a result of free education policy of the new civilian of the state, the government training college could no longer cope with the space needs of the college. Therefore, the administration and the department of arts and education had to move to the premises of St. Peter College, Muroko road ilesa.
Later in 1982/83 session, the school of science with the newly created school of technical education also moves to Muroko from G.T.T.C when the Arts complex building on the permanent site was completed. With new development, the new school of Arts, social sciences, and education moved to the permanent site along Ife Road, four kilometers west of Ilesa Township.
Until 1985, the college operated its six schools in different four campuses within Ilesa township, the permanent site housed the schools of Education, Social sciences and Arts as well as the office of the provost, the registry and the bursary. At St. Peters, Muroko were schools of science and technical education. The health center and the department of physical and health education were still at G.T.T.C. Cappa. The school of agriculture and home economics was at farm institute, Akure Road.
The satellite campus was another major landmark in the historical development of the college. a little over a year after the college was established, the Oyo state government decided to establish a campus of the college outside ilesa to “Ensure that Educational institution are not concentrated in one area”. Ila -Orangun satellite campus become operational at the beginning of the 1979/80 academic session. It is the first ‘off campus or “baby” of the college. However it was “part and parcel” of the college until January 1st 1981 when the institution assumed an autonomous status. The St. Andrew’s Oyo satellite campus came into existence at the beginning of the 1980/81 academic session. This campus was later transferred to the Ila -Orangun college of education with effect from 1st march, 1983, until October 1985 when St. Andrew’s of college of Education, Oyo attained an autonomous status.
The Baptist College, Iwo received a new academic lease of life when the satellite campus of the Oyo state college of Education, Ilesa was opened there at the beginning of the 1981/82 academic session. This was as a result of the directives of the Oyo State Government which had earlier on assented to the opening of the two new satellite campus, Ibadan came into existence at the beginning of the 1981/82 academic session. This campus was transferred to ila – orangun in 1983 until it was phased out in 1985.
Like the satellite campus at Iwo and Ibadan before them, the satellite campuses at lanlate and Osogbo came into being in September, 1982 following directives from the Oyo state ministry of Education. These were the newest of all the satellite campuses. While the lanlate campus had combination in the school of Arts, Social sciences and Education, the Osogbo campus concentrated on physical and health education. In 1985 due to another government directive on re – organization of college of education in the state, the satellite campuses of Iwo, Lanlate and Osogbo were merged with the main campus at ilesa, therefore putting an end to the multi campus system.
In 1985, all the various section of the college that had being scattered at various site within Ilesa Township were brought together at the permanent site. In addition, the college absorbed the former campuses of Osogbo, Lanlate and Iwo. Osun State College of Education, Ilesa today is under the dynamic leadership of Dr. S. K. Adegoke (Provost).
Source: oscoedilesa.edu.ng