Minister of Education Lacks the Capacity to Manage the Ministry- NANS

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), has called for the immediate sack of the Minister of Education Mallam Adamu Adamu over the continued strike by members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

According to NANS the decision to have the minister fired was necessitated by the expiration of the 14 days ultimatum earlier given to the minister by President Muhammadu Buhari on July 19, to resolve the strike and ensure students returned to school.

NANS president, Comrade Sunday Asefon in a statement issued on Wednesday, August 3, said it was very clear that the Mallam Adamu lacked the capacity to manage an important ministry such as the Ministry of Education, hence he should be removed with immediate effect.

The association described the minister as someone with no compassion and empathy for the plight of Nigerian students as his reign had been plagued with continous strike and a crumbling education sector.

The student body further assured the public that it will make sure the minister is replaced with a competent person that is willing and ready to resolve all the issues leading to the incessant strike.


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