Meet the PressPayNg Tribe Ep.2

Hello Dear Readers,

We hope you enjoyed our previous episode of “Meet the PressPayNg Tribe” which started yesterday. Well, on today’s episode of we will be interviewing the head of Deparment Customer Service in person of lovely Priscilla Aneh.

Q1. What appeals to you about being a customer service representative?

Ans: What i find most appealing is the fact that I get to help Nigerian students fulfil their Tertiary Education dream.

Q2. Priscilla, is there a difference between customer service and customer support?

Ans: Yes; Customer service is solving a customer’s problem, customer support is taking a customer through your products, how it works and how it will benefit them.

Q3. Have you ever dealt with an unreasonable customer? If yes, how did you handle it?

Ans: Dealing with young adult can be really challenging, so yes I have dealt with such customers. For instance, there are times when they come on the App a few days to the deadline of school fees payment to access Education loans which usually take a few days to be processed and disbursed. But because it is my job i have to be patient, put the student throught the requirement and makes sure their need is met.

Priscilla Aneh, PressPayNg Customer Service Representative

Q5. Have you ever received negative feedback from a customer? What did you do with that feedback?

Ans: As much as I will like to say No; In business if you don’t receive negative feedback you need to be worried, so yes, I have received negative feedback but I only take them as an encouragement to improve and do better.

Q6. Can you tell me about a customer whom you found difficult to understand and how you approached that interaction?

Ans: We just concluded our scholarship scheme III, and I had to deal with a student who felt PressPayNg was been dishonest and unfair, the first approach was to put myself in his shoes, Understand how desperate he must have been waiting for his account to be credited. I had to patiently explain to him the selection process, the steps and criteria required of all applicants at the same time encouraginging him to look out for subsequent Scholarship opportunities.

Q7. Can you describe the best customer service you’ve ever rendered? And were you proud of yourself?

Ans: The best customer service I have rendered so far is helping a student fully onboard successfully and that is opening his Education Savings Account; yes I was proud of myself.

Q8. What are you better at today than when you initially started your job as a customer service representative for PressPayNg?

Ans: I have become more patient and also developed the ability to think of a solution to a problem on the spot.

Thank you so much for your time Priscilla.

Watch out for Episode 3!


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